Supreme Court Rules Against Immigrants with Temporary Status Seeking Green Cards.

by | Jun 7, 2021 | Breaking News, Green Card, Immigration, NonImmigrant Visas

However, there are exceptions in which it is possible to apply for permanent residence being a beneficiary of TPS if you meet certain requirements.

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Read more on Supreme Court Rules Against Immigrants with TPS Seeking Green Cards below
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The justices said immigrants with “temporary protected status” who entered the country without authorization may not apply for lawful permanent residency.

The case confronted two sections of immigration law: one that says that those in TPS should be considered as “maintaining lawful status,” and another that says in order to adjust status, an individual in TPS must have been admitted lawfully.

Justice Elena Kagan wrote for the court that federal immigration law prohibits people who entered the country illegally and now have Temporary Protected Status from seeking “green cards” to remain in the country permanently.

The decision does not affect immigrants with TPS who initially entered the U.S. legally and then overstayed their visa. Because those people were legally admitted to the country and later were given humanitarian protections, they can seek to become permanent residents.


The case, Sanchez v. Mayorkas, No. 20-315, could affect tens of thousands of immigrants. It was brought by Jose Sanchez and Sonia Gonzalez, natives of El Salvador who entered the United States unlawfully in the late 1990s.

Mr. Sanchez and Ms. Gonzalez, a married couple, were granted protection under the program. In 2014, they applied for lawful permanent residency, commonly known as a green card. After their application was denied, they sued.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, in Philadelphia, ruled against them, saying they were ineligible under a part of the immigration laws that requires applicants to have been “inspected and admitted” into the United States.

Temporary protected status, Judge Thomas M. Hardiman wrote for the unanimous three-judge panel, “does not constitute an admission.”

Schedule a consultation and together we can find a legal solution for your case. Call us at (510) 437-9998.

La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos resuelve que las personas beneficiarias del programa TPS no son elegibles para una residencia permanente.
Sin embargo, existen excepciones en las que es posible aplicar a una residencia permanente siendo beneficiario del programa TPS al cumplir con ciertos requisitos específicos.

Sugerimos agendar una consulta si Usted cree que puede cumplir los requisitos o para evaluar su caso particular.

Siga leyendo el artículo

Los jueces dijeron que los inmigrantes con “estatus de protección temporal” que ingresaron al país sin autorización no pueden solicitar la residencia permanente legal.  
El caso enfrentó dos secciones de la ley de inmigración: una que dice que aquellos en TPS deben ser considerados como “manteniendo el estatus legal”, y otro que dice que para ajustar el estatus, un individuo en TPS debe haber sido admitido legalmente.  
La jueza Elena Kagan escribió para el tribunal que la ley federal de inmigración prohíbe a las personas que ingresaron al país ilegalmente y ahora tienen un estatus de protección temporal solicitar residencia permanente (Green card), para permanecer en el país de forma permanente.  
La decisión no afecta a los inmigrantes con TPS que inicialmente ingresaron a los EE. UU. legalmente y se quedaron más tiempo de su visa. Debido a que esas personas fueron admitidas legalmente en el país y luego recibieron protección humanitaria, ellos pueden buscar convertirse en residentes permanentes.

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